Control your curiosity.
Calm down, not everything you should know now. There’s always the perfect time to find the answer.
There are times that our curiosity being wild, and it is a good thing. But sometimes, our curiosity can turn us into uneasy situations.
Of course it is good if our curiosity lead us to know the good things –the new knowledges, the new skills, the new experiences–, but sometimes, the curiosity lead us wanna know the deepest secret of someone –which is it mostly not the good things to know.
Someone’s privacy problems shouldn’t be our curiosity’s objects.
I believe, if someone want to break your privacy, you will be mad and feel uncomfortable with them, right?
Here are some tips to control your curiosity:
- Firstly, know your own privacy border. What is in your privacy border could be someone’s privacy border too. But, you should remember that everyone has different thought. The things that privacy for you may not be a privacy for someone else and what privacy for someone else may not be privacy for you. So, be careful.
- Secondly, ask before you want to know the answer. Ask yourself: “do you really need to know the answer?” or “how important is it to know?” Then, ask them if you think that it is a sensitive things to ask, for example “is it ok if I ask you about bla bla?” If they say yes, then good for you, you’ll get the answer. If they say no, then let it go.
- Thirdly, if your curiosity lead you to a new knowledges and new skills or another good things, then.. what else do you waiting for? Just go for it!!
🎧 Be Curious – Humood al-Khuder