Deal with anger
Someone said:
When things get harder, take a time to stop, but please don’t quit.
When we are angry with someone or something, everything can become bad and uneasy. We will feel uncomfortable either with the one and the thing that brings the anger itself or even with the other people who may not be relevant to the cause of anger itself.
If we didn’t treat the anger well, then we must be ready for the bigger problem.
Belongings to the picture above, here are the tips you can do to deal with your anger:
- Read ta’awudz to ask the God a protection of bad things (if you are a Muslim)
- Be silent and keep your tongue to make sure your anger didn’t hurt others.
- Change your position. If you get anger while you are standing up, then take a sit. If you’re still angry, then lay your body down.
- Take a wudhu (if you are a Muslim) or take a bath. Water can makes your body relax and reduces your anger.
- Be patient and forgive the one/the things that make you angry. There’s no point getting angry, you’ll only hurt yourself and others too. So, forgive them.
- Keep yourself busy with the positives things. Busy with other things can make you forget about your anger.
For me, I agree with all of the tips before, but I want to add some more tips that I used to do when I get angry.
- Take a deep breath and read Astagfirullah.
- Drink a glass of water to calm down your nerves.
- Take a time to go somewhere or look at the view outdoor. Sometimes, you’ll notice something which can reduce your anger.
- Read a book. Focus on the new information or knowledge can make you forget your anger.
- Write a note or journalling your feelings. By writing a journal, you can see and validate your own emotions -like why and how it’s going- and think the solution to solve it.
- Sleep. Sometimes, the bigger the anger, the more the time and the energy we need to solve it. So, take an enough and good rest. Your body need it.
- Cleaning up the things. The messy things, for example your bedroom, sometimes can makes your anger bigger than before. Like I said, you can get angry to something/someone who doesn’t belong to the anger. Why don’t you switch your anger to clean up the entire house? *But, don’t ever throw or broke the things that you should clean up. 😁
- Do creative things or your hobbies. Create something can also reduce your focus from your anger. Listening or watching your favourites too.
- Have a chit-chat with your friends or relatives. Sometimes, they can make you forget your anger with their jokes and also can help you to solve the problems.
- The last and very important is: Solve the problems. Make sure you can eat peacefully. Don’t ever bring your problems on your plate. 😌
That’s all, guys. Hope it can help you someday.
You can’t control others minds, acts and attitudes, but you can control yours.
So, be patient, forgive and live the life peacefully.