a walk to remember
2 min readMar 1, 2021


City Park and all kinds of human life.

Have you ever go to a random place and all you can do is just sitting and staring at people who come passed over?

City park -somehow- took my interest since around three years ago (?). It’s simply because.. it can frame all kinds of human and their emotions.

As a homebody who definitely really rare meet and talk to others, I really like park. You can see various kinds of people from anywhere and any background are spending their own time.

Here and there, you can see the dating couples are having a lovely chatting time, the new married couples are happily holding their eachother’s hand, the parents with their babies are running around to feed and catch the doves, the old couples are slowly walking around enjoy their own talk about life in the past, present and future, the workers are taking their coffee break, the students -alone or in a group- are doing their task/discussion/simply sitting down and chatting with their friends with a bunch of snacks and ice chocolate, and a person or a group are doing yoga, aerobic, and running.

Then here and there too, you can see the sellers are trying to sell their stuffs, the beggars are offering their hands, the scavenger are hunting the waste of plastic bottles and cups, and of course.. another someone like me -who sitting alone in one of the corners, staring the frame of human life in this park, and -sometimes- greeting and having a chit-chat with new people.

Unfortunately, since the Covid-19 came, sitting and enjoying the same vibe of the park was hard. People are minimizing their chance to spend their time in public places, and.. You know what i mean~

But yeah.. Hopefully, it will end as soon as possible, so we can meet with our families, colleagues and friends, and do our activities normally again.

Covid is real, but it shall pass too.

Leaves will soon grow from the bareness of trees, and all be alright in time.

From waves overgrown come the calmest of seas, and all be alright in time.

🎧 Leaves – Ben&Ben feat. Young K

a walk to remember
a walk to remember

Written by a walk to remember

Menulis suka-suka, disunting ketika waras dan sempat.

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